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Jini Network Technology

Historique Jini Network Technology :

  • 2002-04 : Jini Technology Starter Kit v1.2.1 (codename Alewife)
    Contains contributed implementations from Sun Microsystems of Jini technology infrastructure services, supporting helper classes, and services, including JavaSpaces technology.
  • 2002-04 : Jini Technology Starter Kit v1.2.1
  • 2001-12-20 : 80 000 developpers / 70 commercial licenses
    Jini has 80,000 developers, 50,000 more than claimed a year ago, and 70 commercial licensees, which is considerably more than we'd been expecting. Most of these are in defence, industrial vertical markets such as telcoms and automation, and healthcare. Romano puts the number of Jini devices in use in the hundreds of thousands.
  • 2001-12 : Jini Technology Starter Kit v1.2
    The Jini Technology Starter Kit contains Jini technology infrastructure implementations, as well as supporting helper classes and services, including JavaSpaces technology. This version continues to build on prior starter kit releases by adding new features which, for some environments, are designed to reduce resource requirements and provide greater efficiency in building and deploying applications using Jini technology. Among other requested enhancements, this release enables multiple Jini services to be run in a single Java virtual machine and supports multi-threading of the helper utilities included in the starter kit.
Jini network technology provides simple mechanisms which enable devices to plug together to form an impromptu community - a community put together without any planning, installation, or human intervention. Each device provides services that other devices in the community may use. These devices provide their own interfaces, which ensures reliability and compatibility.
Jini's licensing has got a lot more flexible. There's no logo requirement, licenses are free and evergreen - the last for the lifetime of the licensee - and like Java, Sun only requires that they pass certification. But this being self-certification, is a lot less onerous than the Java requirement.

Source : Site de Sun

Rival from Microsoft

The rival from Microsoft is UpnP, Universal Plug and Play.

Définition selon OLF :

Dans un environnement Java, technologie permettant de constituer un réseau spontané de matériels et de logiciels aptes à fonctionner avec une machine virtuelle Java, offrant ainsi à l'utilisateur la possibilité d'accéder à distance et facilement à ce réseau, et d'utiliser tous les dispositifs qui y sont branchés.
Note(s): La technologie Jini, développée par Sun, libère les ordinateurs de toute dépendance à l'égard des systèmes d'exploitation. En considérant les périphériques et les logiciels comme des objets indépendants qui peuvent communiquer, Jini peut les réunir en fédération d'objets qui s'installent automatiquement et qui fonctionnent dès qu'ils sont branchés.

Source : www.olf.gouv.qc.ca

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Sites de référence

Jini Community
Site de Sun / JINI
Site de Sun / Jini Network Technology Developer Center


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